Title: 5 Tips to Increase Dental Practice Revenue
Duration: 45 minutes
Available On Demand
As a practice owner, the future of your dental practice requires hard work to be successful. Aside from mastering the clinical aspect of dentistry, there are tips that can make or break the financial health of your practice. Join Stephanie Skidmore, a leading expert in business development, as she discusses 5 tips to increase dental practice revenue. You will learn:
Stephanie Skidmore – Business Development Specialist, eAssist Dental Solutions Stephanie began her dental career as a dental assistant 18 years ago, but quickly became enamored with practice management. She joined eAssist Dental Solutions in 2017, where she uses her knowledge and skills to help dental practices find the best possible revenue cycle solutions to help them thrive. Stephanie's experience as a Dental Assistant, Dental Office Administrator, Cosmetic Concierge, Insurance Coordinator, and Practice Manager - for both private offices and DSO offices - makes her perfectly suited to assess the needs of any practice and find the best way to support them that is unique to each business! When she's not busy helping dental practices improve their revenue cycle, she is a busy soccer & baseball mom and exploring new sites.