Title: Building a Winning Team: Strategies for Hiring and Developing Great Talent PART 2
Duration: 50 minutes
Available On Demand
Dental practices around the country are struggling to attract and preserve high-performing talent, leading to increased employee churn and lost profits.
Join us for Part 2 of “Building a Winning Team”, as Henry Schein One Consultants share industry knowledge and experience to overcome the current epidemic of employee turmoil by finding and developing great talent. Learn to build better, stronger teams that can help:
Did you miss PART 1 of Building a Winning Team? No worries, watch if on-demand here.
If you would like to see how your practice is currently performing, schedule a FREE Practice Assessment today. During your assessment, a Dentrix Practice Development Specialist will sit down with you virtually and review your key performance indicators (KPIs), compare them to industry standards, and help create a plan to improve your practice’s performance and profitability.
Katrina Beason is a Henry Schein One Practice Consultant with over a decade of experience in the dental industry. Along with graduating cum laude from The University of Alabama, she developed her professional history by managing a multi-doctor practice. Now as a dental consultant, Katrina enjoys sharing her knowledge with doctors and team members to help them “work smarter, not harder” all while improving Key Performance Indicators. |
Pamela Strahs is a Practice Consultant with Henry Schein One, with over 35 years of Industry knowledge she assists practices with increasing their revenue, patient retention, decreasing staff turnover, by empowering practices to make decisions and take actions that bring them closer to their ultimate vision! |