
Title: Debunking Five Myths About Credit Card Payments Processing

Duration: 31 minutes

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Accepting credit and debit cards is a necessary part of doing business. Your patients expect it. But when it comes to understanding all the rates and fees involved in the credit card processing game, it can get complicated quickly.

During this live event, we’ll give you a detailed understanding of the costs that go into processing credit cards and address five common myths you may have heard about the industry.

When all said and done, you’ll learn some tips that could help you reduce the processing expenses at your practice. We’ll also answer a lot of the questions you may have, including:

  • Do processors have control over ALL the rates and fees?
  • Do interchange rates vary by processor?
  • Do all card processors offer the same level of security?


Eric Palmer, Sales Director

David Stones, Sr. Product Manager
Henry Schein One

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