Title: 3 Easy Ways to Increase Production in Your Dental Office
Duration: 1 hour
Available On Demand
Every dentist wants to increase production in their dental office. But many don’t know where to start or what changes can make the most impact. In this webinar, Dr. Maria Ashley will discuss three easy to implement changes that can immediately improve your production rate. Furthermore, she will share tips and best practices that she has gained in her over 20 years with the dental industry that can help increase the productivity in your practice.
Key Learnings:
If you’re responsible for improving the profitability of your practice and want to learn more, then sign up for this free webinar now to help you maximize your patient care as well as your profits.
Dr. Maria Ashley has been dedicated to the field of Dentistry for over 30 years. She owned and operated her solo general dental practice in downtown Chicago from right out of dental school until her recent retirement from clinical practice in 2019.
During those years she prospered not only as a clinician, but also as a well-trained business owner due to the support and guidance she received from working many years with The Pride Institute.
“Receiving the guidance and knowledge from the dental management experts at the Pride Institute was the pivotal point in may career.” Dr. Ashley said, It changed me from being just a dentist, into a solid, confident and profitable practice owner.”
Because of the positive experience working with Amy Morgan at Pride, Dr. Ashley began to work with them as a Practice Management Consultant while still running her practice.
Over time she realized that consulting was a good fit and incorporated it into her transition plan.
In addition to The Pride Institute, Dr. Ashley has served as a Management Consultant and Consultant Manager with Spear Education before joining Henry Schein One.