
Title: The Dentrix Practice Advisor Assessment in Action

Duration: 60 minutes

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Get a better understanding of the health of your practice with a Practice Advisor Assessment from one of our Practice Development Specialists. But what can you expect during a Practice Advisor Assessment, what data will we be looking at, and how can it help you going forward?

Watch a FREE Webinar

During this free webinar, Jeri Sorenson-Amato, Practice Development Specialist, will walk [Dr. Smith] through the Dentrix Practice Advisor Report to identify the KPIs that can determine the health of [his/her] practice. Furthermore, she will compare the practice data to industry standards in order to identify strategic areas for improvement.

Key Learnings:

  • What to expect during your practice assessment
  • What reports you should have ready in order to get the most out of your assessment
  • Which staff members should participate in the assessment to maximize improvement
  • How can Dentrix Profitability Coaching help going forward in setting goals and seeing real improvement

If you’re responsible for improving the profitability of your practice and want to learn how to more effectively use the reports found within Dentrix, watch this FREE webinar that will help you maximize your patient care as well as your profits.

Request your own Practice Advisor Assessment today

Don’t want to wait until June 9th to get a better understanding of the health of your practice? Schedule your own free Dentrix Practice Assessment today.


Jeri Sorenson-Amato is a Henry Schein Practice Solutions Representative. She has over 30 years of experience working in the dental industry, including being a dental assistant, continuing care coordinator, business administrator, software trainer and practice management consultant. She has a passion for Dentrix and its ability to help offices increase their efficiency, be as paperless as they want to be and grow their business by utilizing the intuitive analysis tools within the software. She has accumulated a wealth of industry and product specific knowledge over the years and brings that experience to her presentations.
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